Take a look at the example of Casino effect and Shift Colors Effect application for changing picture’s color gamma.
Let’s take a portrait as a source image.
After application of two effects – Casino and Shift Colors - we‘ve got the next collage in pop-art style:
At the first stage, we applied Casino effect to the source image and we've got different variants of color gamma. We have chosen one of them for further work:
At the second stage, we applied Casino effect again and obtained variants #1, #2 and #3:
At the third stage, we applied Shift Colors effect to every image obtained at the stage 2 .
For example, we took image #1 and applied Shift Colors effect with the following options:
We got image #1a of the collage.
Then we took image #2 and applied Shift Colors effect with the following options:
Now we got image #2a of the collage.
In the same way we’ve got images #3a and #3b of the collage.